Unique Probiotics Power-Up Your Health
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Discover the Power of Turmeric and Probiotics!
If so, YOU have come to the right place.
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"I can tell you that before Turbocharged Turmeric, life was a nightmare as far as sleeping is concerned. I could not go to sleep and be happy about it in the mornings. The max I got was six hours. Now, I sleep 8 hours and if I want I can continue easily. What a relief! The miracle of Turbocharged Turmeric needs to be known. As a bonus I am inflammation-free and my stomach is not upset after meals. Halleleujah! Thank you for having such a good product on the market." – Love, M.G.

What is Turmeric?
Turmeric is one of the most powerful herbs we have today. It’s anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties make it an ideal way to aid the body in healing. Turmeric has been used in India for over 2500 years and is a major part of Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric is the main ingredient in Turbocharged Turmeric.
What makes our turmeric unique?
The goodness of turmeric isn’t readily available to the body. One can consume a massive amount of turmeric powder in capsules and benefit very little. Our solution? Ferment high-quality turmeric root in our famous Inner Garden full-spectrum probiotic and let the micro-organisms release the power of turmeric! The result is our flagship product, Turbocharged Turmeric (Rest Easy). It’s non-GMO, vegan-friendly, gluten-free and produced with fluoride-free filtered water.

What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are natural micro-organisms that colonize the intestines and aid in digestion. Without the natural balance of probiotics in your gut, you cannot properly digest your food.
What makes our probiotics unique?
Common probiotics sold today consist of only 1 family – the lactobacillus family, with a few different species. Many brands of probiotics also use GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) that they can patent and for which no labeling is required.
Our Inner Garden™ probiotics is a non-GMO, broad-spectrum probiotic with multi-family and multi-species in each family – the way that Mother Nature designed them for optimum digestion. It is vegan-friendly, gluten-free and produced with fluoride-free filtered water.
Get Your Turmeric and Probiotics NOW
Turbocharged Turmeric Probiotic

Today when I woke up there was no swelling. Usually in the morning there are all types of swelling but [today] there is none. My fingers are not swollen. My toes are not swollen. I feel great. I thought I would be hurt after all the manual work I did yesterday. I would like to report that it was the Turbocharged Turmeric. – C.A.
Inner Garden Probiotic

I am feeling better overall. Now my husband and children are taking Inner Garden, and my oldest’s eczema patches and food allergy symptoms seem to have vanished. I’m crediting the probiotic because nothing else [in our routine] is different! So happy with it. I will order more soon. – A.P.
Candida Relief Package

I have battled Candida overgrowth in my system to a very serious degree, for two years. My symptoms were all the typical symptoms for Candida. To correct my problem, I changed many things, such as:
• Consume NO sugar
• Change diet
• Consume NO white flour
• Minimize restaurants
• Many different supplements such as grapefruit seed extract
My skin gave the first signs of being in trouble. It began tingling, then itching, breaking out in a horrible rash. In retrospect, I realize this has been plaguing me for 10 years. I have been using your products including Inner Garden and Turbocharged Turmeric for 2 1/2 months. My entire system is showing remarkable improvement! This is when I realized I had been in trouble for nearly a decade! At this time I am able to eat a piece of pie, or even an occasional dish of ice cream with NO ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS! – Best regards – J.N.
Super Energy Booster Package

I wanted to tell you, I am able to take naps when needed – I’ve had 4 in the last month! It’s been 10 years or more since I could do that. I would need some sleep, lie down and toss and turn and not be able to just get that 20 minutes or half hour of sleep I needed. Now I can have it. That’s a big relief to me, I have to tell you – huge! This started when I began the Super Energy Booster. No other changes occurred. Thank you, thank you! – J.W.